Unauthorized Release of the Age of Sail II "Demo"


Unauthorized Release of the Age of Sail II “Demo”

On Wednesay, May 31st, it came to TalonSoft’s attention an unauthorized release of the Age of Sail II game had occurred. Under
the pretense of being a demo, the Age of Sail II files rapidly spread throughout the gaming community. As these sites had no
knowledge of the unauthorized nature of the files, an early pre-release version of Age of Sail II became available for download on a
number of reputable sites. TalonSoft and Akella would like to take this opportunity to clarify these files were absolutely NOT an
authorized release.

The pre-release version leaked was in an incomplete stage – something neither TalonSoft nor Akella would ever consider as
releaseable. In fact, the files were missing key elements a demo would possess – such as sound effects, music, final artwork,
complete scenarios and AI just to name a few.

An authorized, official demo will be released when it is ready for the public. Until that time, we respectfully ask the gaming
community as a whole to remove the unauthorized release files from your download areas. When the official demo becomes
available, our fans and customers will see Age of Sail II is a worthy successor to Age of Sail.

Thank you for your support.
TalonSoft and Akella