Uncharted 4 copies appear on eBay after shops jump release date


Gamers have been getting their hands on copies of Uncharted 4, despite the release date being May 10th. It has been reported that gamers in both the UK and Germany have been getting a hold of the game through retailers breaking the release date and Amazon shipments going out early.

Uncharted 4 once held a release date of April 26th, but it was pushed back to allow Naughty Dog more time with the game. It hypothesized that confusion over the release date has resulted in the game hitting the streets two weeks in advance.

Of course, lovely scalpers have taken this moment to exploit the confusion (or the lack of caring) to put the game up on eBay (via Eurogamer). A number of listings have popped up on the e-commerce site, some of which asking for £90.

Apparently, the game's campaign is playable, but does not include the day one DLC and the multiplayer is not yet functional. At least this time scalpers aren't trying to sell free DLC, like they did with The Division.