Until Dawn has an entire bonus chapter for pre-orders only

Pretty shi*ty.

Pre-order incentives are nothing new to the gaming industry, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating for fans who rightfully expect all of a game's content accessible when they drop $60 on it. Those aren't the times we live in, though, and as publishers attempt to do everything they can to secure your dollar, we see things like Until Dawn's pre-order exclusive "bonus chapter."

That's right, content shipping with the game at launch is reserved only for those who pre-order this upcoming PlayStation 4 game. 

Titled "Road Not Taken," this bonus chapter sees you play as new couple, Matt and Emily, out on a cold and snowy mountain path, only to realize that they are not alone. It's unclear how, or if, this bonus chapter will tie into the main story of Until Dawn, which sees eight friends trapped together on a remote mountain retreat stalked by this same psycopathic killer.

If it does somehow tie-in to the main story then this is a pretty shi*ty thing for Sony and retailers to do. Forcing someone to buy your game in advance of release just to access all the content is pretty low, especially with no review scores out yet. I hate crap like this, but at least we got a pretty decent trailer out of it.

If you already know you want Until Dawn, you might as well go ahead and pre-order it now to secure this bonus chapter. I will always suggest waiting until reviews are out first, though. Until Dawn is set to release on August 25, 2015 for PlayStation 4.