Update: Grand Theft Auto V Could Release in September 2012, Not February

Earlier today, I made a post that said Grand Theft Auto V could release as early as February, based on the UK GameStop.  Unfortunately, I may have made a slight error in my calculations.  What I didn't take into account is that Europe tends to switch their dates.  *face palm*.  I know, embarassing, but what can I say, we are American.  We still haven't converted to the  Metric System!

No, I didn't delete it IGN style, but I did somewhat attempt to rectify it.  Then I just decided it'd be better to make a new post.  Feel free to go back and laugh at my previous post.  I already did.

So yes, as it turns out, the potential release date is not February 9th, 2012, but could in fact be September 2nd, 2012.  It's amazing how two swapped numbers can lead to such a big difference.

Anyways, here's the screenshot from Gamestop.uk.

As you can see it CLEARLY looks like February 9, 2012 from an American viewpoint.  Those tricky Europeans got me again.  So yes, a potential release of Grand Theft Auto V could be coming in September.



