[UPDATE] Sega not planning to release retro titles on Wii U Virtual Console

[Update] In a new statement to Eurogamer, Sega has clarified that while the studio is not currently planning to bring games to the Wii U Virtual Console, the prospect is still very possible.

“Sega would like to clarify a statement that was issued over Twitter. All options are currently on the table concerning development for the Wii U Virtual Console. Although there are no immediate plans, this does not negate the possibility and exploration of creating for this platform.”

[Original Story] It seems Sonic the Hedgehog’s glory days won’t be making their way to the Wii U Virtual Console’s impressive retro archive. A recent Twitter post from Sega CS R&D producer Yosuke Okunari confirms that the studio has “no such plan" to add to the platform's VC.

However, all is not lost for the days of Genesis and Saturn. Twitter user PBZReviews, who asked about the publisher’s VC plans, managed to pry a bit more information out of Okunari. Upon hearing that PBZ “was hoping for Master System games,” Okunari recommended he turn to Sega West, suggesting that the stateside branch may yet pick up the VC torch.

Sega was a prominent contributor to the Virtual Console available on the original Wii, so it comes as a surprise—and to many, a disappointment—to learn that those classics may not make their way to Nintendo’s newest platform.

Fortunately, the Wii U’s innate backwards compatibility allows users to access the Wii’s archive by switching to “Wii Mode.” With that said, given that Wii U has taken the throne, it’s unlikely that more titles will be added to Wii Virtual Console.

[GoNintendo via Eurogamer, image via Thecredhulk