UPDATE: It would seem Life is not related to Venom at all. Reports from an early screening at SXSW state that the movie is its own thing and has no connections to anything outside of its own contained universe. Is it possible Sony could work Life into the Venom script somehow after seeing these theories? Certainly. Is it likely? Probably not.
So there you have it, Life is simply just a movie called Life and it is unrelated to Venom. If you're interested in how all of this speculation began, you can read the original story below.
ORIGINAL STORY: A little while ago, trailers for an upcoming sci-fi horror film titled Life started popping up online and ahead of screenings for movies like Logan. It's somewhat similar to the original Alien as an alien life form starts attacking a crew on a space ship and they have no way to escape. For a while now, people have speculated that this movie is actual a secret prequel to an upcoming spin-off movie about the Spider-Man villain Venom.
The theory isn't that outlandish either like most internet theories. For starters, the alien in the movie is a gooey, slime-type thing that has a mind of its own and has incredible strength. The look and characteristics of the alien in Life is incredibly similar to the one that comes from the Spider-Man comics. The symbiote in the comics sort of has a mind of its own and is able to take over human bodies which is how Venom is created. It should also be noted that the symbiote doesn't just get created in a lab, it comes from space.
Sony also announced a release date for a solo Venom film which will release next October. Interesting timing if you ask me. On top of all that, Life even uses footage from Spider-Man 3 which is the only movie to feature the symbiote, black-suited Spider-Man, and Venom. I know, it's pretty mind blowing.
Additionally, the writers of the movie also wrote a draft of the screenplay for a Venom movie and the company distributing Life is Columbia which is a Sony studio (who ironically also made all the Spider-Man movies). Now that Life is out this Friday, the cast and crew have begun the press tour for the movie and some press have asked them if there's any connection.
"Yes, the answer is yes!" Paul Wernick said jokingly when talking with ComicBook.com. "We are tied to Venom! We are the prequel to Venom!"
Even they began to see the connections between Life and Venom.
"One is that we wrote a Venom screen play, so I think people saw that connection," Rhett Reese said. "They also saw the Spider-Man 3 footage that sneaked its way into our last trailer." he continued. "They just announced a Venom movie release date just yesterday."
"That's the symbiote!" Wernick says of the alien life form in Life. "Eddie Brock's on Earth. The symbiote's on Earth, finds Eddie Brock…"
Are they just screwing with us or is there actually some connection? We'll more than likely find out this Friday when Life opens in theaters.