Updated: Steam Workshop paid mods currently available

Must have been an error

[Update: It appears as though the paid mods are once again functioning]

For the past few years modders have been able to share their mods for free through Steam Workshops. Yesterday Valve announced that modders would be able to charge real money for their mods. The announcement was not met with excitement.  In fact the gaming community was a bit upset by the announcement.

The announcement was made with support from Bethesda, the developers for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, making Skyrim the first game to allow modders to charge for their mods at whim (they can choose to charge or not charge).

At the moment, it looks as though the ability to purchase mods has been put on hold by either Valve or Bethesda. It's unclear as to what the reason behind the hold is. If you head over to the Skyrim Steam Workshop page and click on any paid mod, you will be met with an error that keeps you from being able to purchase it.

The community seems to be pretty happy with the idea that they might have "won" the battle against paid mods.

It could simply be an error though.

**We have reached out to Valve to see if this is a temporary hold on paid mods.