Publisher Deep Silver, who purchased Saint's Row 4 during an auction of THQ properties, has announced that those who pre-order the game at participating US retailers will get upgraded free of charge to Saints Row 4 Commander in Chief Edition. The Commander in Chief Edition includes an Uncle Sam suit, the Screaming Eagle plane, and the 'Merica weapon.
Screaming Eagle fires rockets out of its talons and has the Sonic Scream attack, which leaves your enemies dazed, confused, and scarred for life. The 'Merica weapon combines flamethrowers, dubstep guns and rocket launchers. Quite appropriate. The only thing that could make it more 'Merica was if it played episodes of Honey Boo Boo. Maybe that'll come in Saints Row 5, when you're all washed up and have to resort to reality television to make a name for yourself again.
You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at [email protected]