Steam Greenlight launched on August 30, but it's already encountering unforeseen problems.
Most notably, Valve pulled an erotic game called Seduce Me from the service on the same day that it went public. The developers aren't happy, but "Steam has never been a leading destination for erotic material," Valve's chief spokesperson Doug Lombardi told Kotaku. "Greenlight doesn't aim to change that."
It's perhaps because of this incident that Valve has decided to charge a $100 admission fee — to "cut down on the noise." As of yesterday, 700 total submissions had been counted.
"Two things we’ve noticed so far," reads the official blog. "First, there are a ton of legitimate submissions that people want to see. Second, there is unfortunately a significant amount of noise and clutter being submitted, either as a joke or by fans not fully understanding the purpose of Greenlight.
"The second part of this update is to improve your window into Greenlight and help you find 'your kind' of games. The next time you visit Steam Greenlight, you’ll be shown a smaller, manageable list of games that you haven’t rated. This view is a mix of popular games and new games to Greenlight."
The proceeds of each $100 fee will go to the Child's Play charity.
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