Valve teases top secret Team Fortress 2 project for 2012

There is a ton of Team Fortress 2 stuff on the horizon, highlighted by a top secret Team Fortress 2 project.

"The TF2 team is working on something brand new for 2012," the company teased in their most recent blog post.

"We can't tell you what it is because they won't tell us," read the update.

They did say that the project isn't a hat or map, though.  Other than that, nothing else was revealed except that "it's really cool".

In the same update, Valve also announced the new Steam Workshop Blog which will keep players updated with all of hte developments regarding the Mann Co. Store.

To date, there have been nearly 4,000 user-generated items submitted to the store, Valve revealed.  They will continue shipping them throughout the year, so be sure to vote on the items you'd like to see on the blog.