Deep Silver and Volition have released the first of many dev diaries for Saints Row 4. While the series will highlight several aspects behind the conception of the game, today's video goes behind the scenes with Jim Boone, Senior Producer, Steve Jaros, Creative Director and Chris Claflin, Lighting Lead, at Volition as they discus the creation of the fourth game. I'm not talking technical creation, but the overall sense and feel of it; the concept behind the game's creation.
"We love our fans. That's why with Saints Row 4 we really took this approach of it being like a love song to our fans," creative director Steve Jaros says in the video. "We never forget the people that stuck with us this entire time because that's why we got to be where we are."
Continuing his love song, Jaros explains that Volition's goal with Saints Row 4 is to evolve the game that doesn't alienate these fans. I don't think he caught the pun with the word alien. You know, since the game revolves around the Saints getting caught up in an alien invasion and being transported into a bizarro-Steelport simulation.
"It takes a lot of work to make something this beautifully stupid," he concludes. I can't wait.