VVVVVV dev Terry Cavanagh ready to release Super Hexagon

You might know Terry Cavanagh for his excellent work on VVVVVV. That game is, for all intents and purposes, one of the best pure platformers to come along in the history of the genre.

Cavanagh isn't a one-trick pony, though. Nope, the developer also released a game titled Hexagon where you had to navigate around moving mazes for as long as possible. It's an addictive little formula that works out well, so it should come as no surprise that the game is headed to iOS.

Sporting a sexy new title, Super Hexagon is now complete and ready to land on your mobile device. Cavanagh is hoping to get the game out this Thursday, and when it launches, it will be priced at 99 cents. Following launch week, however, Super Hexagon will cost $2.99.

In addition to iOS, Cavanagh hopes to release the game digitially on PC, Mac, and maybe even Android. Get ready for the delightful sights and sounds of Super Hexagon on iOS.


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