Have some pent up anger towards Bungie? Take it out on them, as the developer announced they will be partaking in Destiny's Crucible PvP. And you're invited to hunt them for the opportunity to earn a sweet player emblem.
"Bungie has always enjoyed sharing games with our community. Destiny will be no different. Instead of targeting specific community leaders or luminaries to step up and try to cave in our helmets, we’re randomizing the event. To put it a different way, we’re putting a bounty on our own heads," Bungie said.
Starting today, Thursday, September 18, you can queue up for the Crucible — specifically the Clash mode — and have a chance to encounter Bungie's team of devs. The event will take place between 7:00pm and 8:00pm and will be played on the PS4 version of the game.
"Encountering us will not be enough to earn your reward. You’ll need to achieve victory against our designated team," Bungie notes. If you do claim victory, head over to the comment section of this post before "high noon (Pacific) the following day (Friday)" and post a link to your victory.
Winners will be announced in the Bungie Weekly Update and emblems will appear in the Tower on the following Tuesday. Although today's challenge is on PS4, Bungie promises they will do this often, with every playlist, and on every platform.