Warren Spector and his team at Junction Point are toiling away on the highly anticipated Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two, bringing the series to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 for the first time. But that isn't stopping him from thinking…why didn't the original game ever make it to the system?
Apparently Spector is wishing that the original Epic Mickey could still make the journey. Speaking with Joystiq today, Spector stated, "It's been about four or five days since I've asked to get that project greenlit. It's not my call to make. I can't even tell you how much I want to see the first game with all the enhancements and improvements we've made on Xbox 360 and PS3."
"Just have all of your readers send emails to Disney corporation and say: 'Warren should make this game.'"
Now, Warren HAS suggested the idea before, but the response was rather interesting. "There's only so much clout," said Spector. "When you're talking about the kind of money games cost now, there's only so much you can do."
Still, you can put in your request by sending Disney an email or bugging them on Twitter. (https://twitter.com/Disney)
Meanwhile, watch out for Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two (as well as its 3DS spin-off Power of Illusion) on November 18.