Wasteland 3 has surpassed its $2.75 million crowdfunding goal, new stretch goals unlocked

As of this writing, the campaign stands at just over $3 million

Wasteland 3 is only about halfway through its Fig campaign, and it has (unsurprisingly) already managed to surpass its target goal of $2.75 million. With just over 14 days to go, developer InExile is turning their attention to the campaign's stretch goals, two of which have already been unlocked.

Here is what has been unlocked:

$2.85M: 37 Pieces of Flair – We unlock further Ranger customization, which could include multiple body types, more heads, and more hairstyles. Plus we’ll show items that your Ranger has equipped (gear like shovels, binoculars, etc) on their models.
$3M: Car Companion (Codename: Morningstar) – We add a talking car companion! Morningstar is an AI built to serve President Reagan, but he'll help you both in your travels and during combat, plus he'll give you well-timed advice on how to wipe out all the dirty commies out there.

There is a third stretch goal listed for unlock once the campaign hits $3.1 million (which should be any day now) and it is as follows:

$3.1M: Customizable Ranger Squad Insignia – At the start of the game, you get to customize a Ranger Squad insignia for your team, which will show up on your Ranger Base as well as elsewhere in the game (on flags, for example).

This Fig campaign will undoubtedly prove to be the best yet for InExile, as Wasteland 2 earned itself an impressive $2.9 million on Kickstarter back in 2012. Wasteland 3 will also feature co-op gameplay, a first for the series along with driveable vehicles.

Source: [Fig via Gamespot]