Watch Bungie reveal ‘New Things to Do’ in Destiny with the April update

New stuff isn't so bad.

Bungie is planning on bringing new content to Destiny in April and they plan to reveal some of their plans today. Starting at 2 PM EST/ 11 AM PST, Bungie will be hosting a livestream will showcase the "New Things to Do" when the April update goes live.

Lead Designer Ryan Paradis and Senior Designer Tim Williams will be the ones guiding us through the livestream.

From what we know, the April Update will bring new PvE content, a new Strike called 'Blighted Chalice', "sandbox," an update to Crucible and new gear inspired by Taken.

This is the first of three streams that Bungie has planned to present the upcoming content. On March 30, Bungie will break down “New Things to Earn,” and on April 6,the developers will explore the 'sandbox' and Crucible updates.