Watch Conan O’Brien suck at Overwatch with Game of Thrones’ Tyrion and Cersei

Peter Dinklage is in it to win it.

Conan O'Brien isn't the best at playing games, but he still tries to do it and he drags in a couple celebrities to do it with him. This time, Conan teamed up with Peter Dinklage and Lena Headey of Game of Thrones (Tyrion and Cersei) to get in on Overwatch.

From the get go, the cast noticed what the rest of the internet already knew – how nice Widowmaker's butt is. He took a moment, at Peter Dinklage's behest, to stare at Widowmaker's rear end. If there's anything that this Clueless Gamer episode revealed, it's that Peter Dinklage has a brutal need to kill everyone in Overwatch.

The last match of the game is entirely made up of Widowmakers with 'shiny butts' where they loop the cries of Widowmaker and ask for a kissing button on the remote so they can watch all the Widowmaker characters make out.