[Watch] Dark Souls Publisher Namco Teases New Game With Awesome Art Style

"Prepare to Dine" on their next title.

Bandai Namco, the publisher of From Software's Dark Souls series, released a teaser for a unique looking game. We don't have much in the ways of gameplay to look at, but if the art style is any indication towards the game's direction, we're in for a treat.

The trailer ends with the tagline 'Prepare to Dine', which is eerily similar to the PC version of Dark Souls named 'Prepare to Die'. Considering this is the same publisher, it could mean something, or it could merely be a coincidence.

Bandai Namco has also published a few indie titles, including the upcoming Little Nightmares, so this title could be something of that vein. Namco has said this video was "inspired by" a title currently being developed, so the art style may only be an artistic take, but we hope it's representative of the game.

According to Bandai Namco, however, we'll find out April 20 when the official announcement is dropped.