Odds are if you haven't yet bought your tickets to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, you're probably not going opening night. The Force Awakens is easily the biggest blockbuster this year and tickets to see the highly anticipated film are a hot commodity. So imagine living in Burbank, California and seeing two wack-a-doos with Princess Leia headbands standing on the side of the road trying to sell tickets to opening night.
This is exactly what television host Ellen DeGeneres and actress Carrie Fisher (who plays Star Wars' Princess Leia) did. Although it didn't appear many of the people buying tickets recognized the two, they were more than happy give what they could, including a sweatshirt, for the chance at a ticket. One generous man even gave them $100 after being told the money would be going to a charity for Animals with Mental Illness.
The whole segment is pretty funny, and shows just what people are willing to give up for tickets to The Force Awakens' opening night.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens opents in theaters on Friday, December 18th. Please no spoilers.