Beyond: Two Souls ‘looks’ amazing. That’s right, looks. I only say that because it’s that one game I know nothing about when it comes to story. From everything we’ve seen, Ellen Paige’s character Jodie was at some point homeless, in the Military and tested on like a science project as a kid. What is going on here?!
Thankfully, PlayStation Blog comes to the rescue. In this latest video, both Ellen Page and Willem Defoe give a little background on each of their characters and their motivations.
From what it looks like, we’ll be able to experience Jodie’s life from a young child, all the way to her adult life. I’ve sadly had to get rid of my PS3 to help me pay for a PS4, but damn does this game make me want to pick up one of the cheapest models when it comes out. Seriously, the game looks that amazing. Take a look.