[Watch] Everything you need to know about Injustice 2; Mode details, multiverse, and more

So much content!

With Injustice 2 release in one week, NetherRealm has gone ahead and given us an overview of the game's content – and there's plenty of it. The overview trailer gives us a look at the game's Story Mode, what heroes and villains are in alliances, like the factions led by the Dark Knight, Gorilla Grodd, and others… Though we still don't know where Supergirl and Swamp Thing will end up.

The trailer also gives a brief overview of the game's guild system that will allow players to create an up to 50 people deep guild. Each guild will allow players to build their own superhero alliances, as well as share gear and earn guild-exclusive gear and other rewards through daily/weekly objectives.

On top of all that, the trailer covers the Gear Systems, a peak at the multiverse mode, and the mobile companion game.

Injustice 2 is continuing to roll out its character videos with the first DLC pack revealed, as well as BrainiacPoison IvyScarecrowCaptain ColdCheetahBlack AdamGreen Arrow, and Green Lantern all having been revealed recently, with a number of yet to be revealed fighters. 

Injustice 2 releases on PS4 and Xbox One on May 16th, 2017.