[Watch] Gwent officially launches their Nilfgaardian faction alongside new trailer

Not quite the bad guys, just a darker shade of grey

As it was revealed last week, Gwent: The Witcher Card Game has officially launched its Nilfgaardian faction into the game's Beta per an all-new update. The update not only adds the new faction but also raises the game's card count to over 60 unique cards. The additions include faction-specific cards for the Northern Realms, Scoia'tael, Skellige and Monsters races, on top of a new assortment of neutral cards that can be used by every faction. 

Nilfgaard's specialty is their ability to employ espionage tactics. Players who use this faction can reveal their opponent's cards as well as control the order of their decks and use disloyal units to cause further chaos.

The Gwent Closed Beta is still on-going, so if you are interested in signing up, you can head over here.