[Watch] Here’s how that amazing, but fake, 3D-printed Nintendo Switch was made

Well, well, well.

Earlier this week a YouTuber pulled out a Nintendo Switch during a live stream, well at least something that looked extremely similar to the portable/home console that Nintendo revealed in October. YouTuber Etika (apart of YouTube channel EWNetwork) pulled out an extremely convincing Nintendo Switch and claimed, "I'm going to get fu**in sued".

That 'Switch' was a beautifully done 3D-print from YouTuber Frank Sandqvist, who has revealed his home brewed Switch and how it was made. The YouTuber who showed it off earlier this week has confirmed a collaboration between himself and Sandqvist.

Now, Sandqvist isn't entirely unfamiliar with making Nintendo fakes, his crew was the one behind the first alleged Nintendo controller leak, back when it was still called the NX. The creation of the Switch controller and screen was no simple task. You can check out the entire process below:

[vie Eurogamer]