[Watch] Latest Prey gameplay shows off all the awesome weapons, gadgets, and gear

I need this gaaame!

The last few videos for Prey have let us in on the abilities we will be using, the enemies we will be fighting, and more. Bethesda isn't breaking from the trend of breakdown videos with their latest trailer for the game that looks at the weapons, gadgets, and gear featured in the game. 

As far as weapons go, your first weapon will be the Hephaestus “Heffy” Twist and Loop Handle Industrial Wrench and from there, you have your options. For close-quarters, there's the S4 Tactical Pump Shotgun and for smaller enemies, the PPN silenced pistol works great. If you're looking for non-lethal options, the Disruptor Stun Gun should be your weapon of choice.

If you simply want to stop something from coming at you, the GLOO Cannon will hold things in place with a quick-hardening foam. It can even build things like platforms to get you to high ground. 

Check your tools in the video above or head to Bethesda's Blog for more details.

If you're on the fence on whether or not you want Prey or just want to dive into tons more Prey – you're in luck! There are plenty of videos out there and a lot of them offer breakdowns of gameplay features!

Prey is set to release on Friday, May 5th, 2017 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.