[WATCH] Middle Earth: Shadow of War shows off an hour and a half of uncut Fortress Assault gameplay

About as comprehensive a look as you could hope for.

Middle Earth: Shadow of War is the follow-up to 2014's surprise hit, Shadow of Mordor and all early indications are that it is aiming to evolve its systems on a much grander scale. Fortress Assault is one of, if not the most significant examples of this scale, and developer Monolith recently held a livestream to give an extended look at the moment to moment gameplay you can expect.

Here's the video:

Shadow of War will take players to a multitude of locations including Seregost, Gorgoroth, Cirith Ungol, and the Island of Nurn and will task players with building up an army of orcs to take down said fortresses alongside the new and improved Nemesis System. Each playthrough is designed to give you a different experience, adding to its replayability factor. 

Here's a list of some more Middle-Earth: Shadow of War videos for you to check out:

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War releases on Xbox One, Project Scorpio, PC, PS4, and PS4 Pro on August 22nd, 2017.

Source: [Shadow of War]