After a delightful reveal at E3 2017, Monster Hunter: World has maintained a steady presence in the news since then. With Gamescom 2017 coming up, Capcom apparently saw fit (and rightfully so) to release a new trailer (embedded above) which focuses on the Wellspire Waste, an uncharted area with "blistering heat" that's enough to challenge any hunter, let alone the monsters that inhabit its borders.
The Wellspire Waste is quite a different biome from the Ancient Forest that was shown off last month. The Waste, while quite arid, also has its share of swampland and features creatures with rock-like armor and amphibious scales. Series fans should recognize a few of the returning beasts such as the Diabolos and Barroth, while there also looks to be a glimpse at an Elder Dragon.
Monster Hunter: World is significant in the sense that it is the first time since 2010 that the series will release a game on a home console (and first on PC ever). The series has been a mainstay on the Nintendo 3DS since then, with its last release being Monster Hunter: Generations.
Monster Hunter: World releases in early 2018 on PS4 and Xbox One and sometime later on PC.