[Watch] Nefarious – Play the Bad guy; Be the Boss Fight

Upcoming indie game puts players in the boss fight, but this time as the boss!

StarBlade is an indie developer working on a title called Nefarious where the player takes on the role of the bad guy. Okay, this premise isn't exactly new, we've seen platformers turned on its head like this before. What makes Nefarious different? Boss fights.

Nefarious is designed to put you in the bad guy's seat, stealing princesses and conquering lands. But in a classic platformer, the player is always doing the same thing: Platforming. It's always the boss fights that are changed up every level. Nefarious puts players in different situations with unique gameplay in order to do their necessary evil.

Remember when Dr. Robotnic had that swinging wrecking ball thing? We kicked his butt with that thing! We could do it much better than him. Nefarious lets you. Be the bad guy, be that boss fight, get those puny good guys!

Nefarious will release release January 23 on Steam.