Mass Effect: Andromeda is out in a little over a month but we still have so many questions! Bioware has purposely been withholding info on the game (probably just to surprise everyone) and have been carefully picking what to show from the sci-fi RPG. One of the things they've been keeping vague is the multiplayer, they've briefly discussed it here and there but until now, we hadn't seen any footage.
In the new trailer that promotes pre-order bonuses, we get a quick glimpse at the multiplayer which looks very similar to the one seen in Mass Effect 3 (as expected). The gameplay will mix together the combat of the campaign which allows you to use your guns and biotic powers to quickly disperse enemies. It looks like the mode will be a wave-based co-op horde mode like Mass Effect 3, but there's no word on what new innovations are coming in the online portion.
The trailer also reveals players will get multiplayer XP bonuses for pre-ordering as well as some fancy armor and skins to use in the campaign. You can view the full trailer below.
Mass Effect: Andromeda releases on PS4, Xbox One, and PC on March 23rd, 2017.