[Watch] New Prey gameplay trailer shows off alternate protagonist

It's 'Another Yu.'

The reimagination of the Prey series was first revealed at E3 2016, and since then, we've seen plenty of gameplay teased through short videos. The bits of gameplay came with details on what the idea behind Prey is or the game's aliens. After a couple of teases, we finally got a nice look at gameplay in August.

Today, we are getting our first look at Megan – the other protagonist in Prey. We have seen the face for the male main character, but we haven't seen the face of the female, though the trailer does let us hear her voice. 

The trailer is pretty much the same trailer as the previously released trailer, except with a female voice instead of male voice over. Check it out in the video above.

Prey will be available on PS4, Xbox One and PC in 2017.