[Watch] See how Hitman’s performance on PS4 Pro improves when compared to the standard console

Like the video says, 'Improved in Every Way'

PS4 Pro comparison videos are a hot item, and so far results have been a mixed bag. Games like The Last of Us have proven to be worse while Battlefield 1 saw a marked improvement. It's good news then that Hitman appears to be one of the PS4 Pro success stories. Hitman's improvements are pretty much across the board, encompassing everything from texture resolution, to frame-rate and even loading times. Once again, we bring you another comparison video from the folks at Digital Foundry.

Hitman's resolution ends up checking in at a solid 1440p, and high-resolution textures take no time at all to load in, while the stock PS4 saw these textures take a few seconds to load in. Uncapped frame-rates see one of the largest improvements, as they are at many times up to a whole 10 frames per second better than the standard console. However, one thing we have not seen much of with all of these comparison videos is a loading time improvement, which Hitman gets a big boost to.

As they mention in the video, Hitman's game loop involves a lot of trial and error, so an improved loading time lends itself a certain sense of satisfaction on the part of the player. Jumping back in after blowing your cover is not quite as much of a chore as it used to be, so that could potentially encourage players to take more risks, knowing that they are not far away from popping back in. Therefore, there is a tangible in-game benefit to the technical improvement.

Source: [Digital Foundry YouTube]