WATCH: Sledgehammer Games talks authenticity and vision behind Call of Duty: WWII

A lot has gone into Call of Duty: WWII.

Welp, Call of Duty is officially going back to where it all began for the series in WWII, and to get there, Developer Sledgehammer Games has spent the last two years researching, learning, and gathering all the data they can on the finest of details. It is their hope that with all of this work will come the most authentic World War II game to date, which may lend credence to the rumblings that the game will do away with auto-health generation.

A new video popped up on the official Call of Duty YouTube channel earlier today, talking all things authenticity. Here's that video.

In other Call of Duty: WWII news, the developers have also previously stated that they intend to not "hide the racism" that was prevalent during the war. There appears to be a much larger emphasis on narrative this time around between the focus on authenticity and the fact that the game was inspired by walking simulators.

Call of Duty: WWII releases on PS4, Xbox One, and PC on November 3rd, 2017.

Source: [Call of Duty YouTube]