[Watch] Someone remade the Logan trailer in The Last of Us and it’s awesome

Matches up surprisingly well!

In December, some people got to see the first 40 minutes of Logan about three months ahead of release. While they couldn't dive into specifics, some fans described it as The Last of Us on steroids. When the movie released in March, viewers quickly realized that observation wasn't far off. Granted, it has a lot of different story elements but a lot of the themes and the bond between the two main characters remain the same.

Someone took it upon themselves to edit scenes of The Last of Us with dialogue from Logan and recreate the film's second trailer. While it's not shot for shot, it syncs up pretty well and makes us really want to see Hugh Jackman play Joel in a film adaptation of The Last of Us.

We recently praised Logan in our review and went on to break it down earlier this week when discussing what a superhero movie should be. You can click here to read that article.

You can view the mash-up below.