[Watch] Square Enix reveals first trailer and details for Life is Strange 2

Get your tissues ready for another emotional adventure.

Life is Strange is one of the most beloved games released this generation. Thanks to its gripping, emotional story, the wonderful world Dontnod has built, and much more, fans have been eager to explore more stories within the Life is Strange universe.

Now, after two long years of waiting, we’re finally getting our first look at the follow-up with Life is Strange 2. While this isn’t a direct sequel in the sense that it sees the return of Chloe or Max, it has thematic similarities and new powers for players to play with.

Life is Strange 2 follows two brothers, 16-year-old Sean and 9-year-old Daniel, on the run after a tragedy occurs where they live in Seattle, Washington. The two brothers are trying to make their escape across the border where they’ll retreat to their original hometown of Puerto Lobos, Mexico. Dontnod and Square Enix to promise moral dilemmas and tough, relatable choices along your journey with a strong focus on trying to teach Daniel the ways of the world while still learning them yourself.

Dontnod is staying tight-lipped on what Daniel’s powers are but it seems to be something in relation to telekinesis as was teased both in this trailer and in Captain Spirit. There will also be “multiple features” that will be revealed in the coming weeks, we’re not fully sure what that means but it seems that they may be expanding beyond the traditional point and click-like gameplay.

Dontnod also promises that they’ll be sharing some proper gameplay very soon, claiming this is their most ambitious Life is Strange game yet thanks to its high production values.

“We’re very excited to present Life is Strange 2, one of our most important releases of the year. After the overwhelming success of the original, we knew that crafting a sequel that is every bit as compelling and powerful as the first game would be a real challenge”, said Jon Brooke, VP of Brand and European Marketing at Square Enix External Studios. “We are confident that the talented team at DONTNOD, who have been working closely with the Square Enix External Studios team, have truly outdone themselves.”

“After the exciting adventures of Max and Chloe, we are extremely happy that you will all soon meet Sean and Daniel Diaz, our new protagonists, and follow them on their journey.” said Michel Koch, Co-Creative Director of LIFE IS STRANGE 2 at DONTNOD Entertainment. “We love diving back into the Life is Strange universe along with our lead writer, Jean-Luc Cano, to create our new story and characters”.

Life is Strange episode 1 of 5 will release on September 27th for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.