Watch two glorious hours of Detective Pikachu gameplay

Played by someone who doesn't even speak Japanese.

Last month we got our first look at the 3DS game Detective Pikachu, and since then things have escalated rather quickly. A petition for Danny DeVito to voice Pikachu in the Western version has garnered over 40,000 signatures and someone recorded two hours of gameplay without knowing Japanese.

YouTuber GameXplain put together a two hour video of Detective Pikachu's opening stages. In the video we get to hear a bit more of Pikachu's voice… Where he hits on a girl that he considers a "cutie." Of course, to her, his words sound like a bunch of 'Pika! Pikas' so he ends up walking away saying “eh, I guess she can’t understand me, although I do.”

After a near life-ending run in with a car, Pikachu meets up with the game's protagonist and the duo begin their journey unraveling crimes/mysteries together.

[via Siliconera]