Weekly wrap-up: Welcome back, CommanderVideo!

Yet another week in gaming has passed us by, and it’s been filled with news, reviews, previews, and more. This week we’ve got coverage on Crysis 3, Halo 4 DLC, and we even gave out first 10 out of 10 review score of 2013. What game managed to achieve such a grand feat? Find out as we look back on the past few days of gaming content right here on GameZone.


Review: Crysis 3 is like a bad date at an extremely fancy restaurant

While it certainly shines in spots, Crysis 3 is a bit of an unnecessary and underwhelming FPS.

Review: Runner2 takes the rhythmic action genre to unseen heights of brilliance

Gaijin Games provides one of the best gameplay experiences in recent memory with the outstandingly bold Runner2.

Review: Halo 4 'Majestic Map Pack' takes a conventional approach that rightly feels like Halo

If you’re looking for more great Halo content, look no further than the Majestic Map Pack.

Review: Capcom Arcade Cabinet is well worth your quarters

Some great classics make a return in this overall enjoyable compilation of Capcom titles.

Review: Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus remains sharp on the PS Vita

Ninja Gaiden 2 returns — this time on the Vita — and delivers a wonderfully frenzied experience.


Preview: Learn how to play guitar from the pros in BandFuse: Rock Legends

If you want to learn how to jam with a real guitar, you’re going to want to keep an eye on BandFuse.

The Final Countdown

GameZone takes a look at some hotly anticipated games. This past week, we checked out:

MLB 2K13

MLB 13: The Show


GZ Originals

How to be a d!#@ in Dead Space 3 co-op!

Want to be a total jerk with your co-op partner in EA and Visceral Games latest space scare? Yeah ya do!

Sticking with Rayman Legends through the good and the bad

Despite some recent controversy, there are still plenty of reasons to be stoked about Ubisoft’s limbless hero.

Dr. David's Indie Spotlight: Mew-Genics is an intriguing game about cats

GameZone dissects the few tidbits of information that have been released regarding Team Meat’s upcoming project.

Interview with co-founders of White Paper Games, Benjamin Hill and Pete Bottomley, about Ether One

We get a close look at Ether One from developer White Paper Games straight from the source.

5 ways to maximize your score in Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien

Want to get as many points as possible as you traverse crazy lands in Runner2? Of course you do! Here’s how you can get the most out of CommanderVideo’s latest adventure.

Week in Mobile: Butterfly Sanctuary, Penumbear, and a story of surviving piracy

This week’s mobile roundup has butterflies and bears. Seriously, how is that even remotely a bad thing?

One year later: the arduous, unimpressive journey of the PS Vita

You know what’s more impressive than Vita hardware sales? Pretty much anything, actually.

Five things Microsoft needs to announce for Xbox 720

What can Microsoft deliver to its fans when it reveals the next Xbox?

Wish upon a star: 10 things we hope to see in Disney Infinity's Toy Box mode

It would be pretty cool if Disney’s upcoming venture had rides. Think about it.

Interview: The Force is strong with Star Wars Pinball's Neil Sorens

GameZone gets the scoop on the Star Wars edition of Pinball.

Want to talk about indie games, Kirby, or cheap pizza? Follow me on Twitter @dr_davidsanchez.