Another week, another round of reviews, previews, and editorial content right here on GameZone. Check out all of the latest features of the past week, and scope out anything you may have missed, in this end-of-week wrap-up.
Bit.Trip Complete Review
The entire Bit.Trip series lands on the Wii on a single disc. Is this compilation worth picking up? Does it offer Wii owners something to play on what is quickly becoming a largely ignored console? Vito Gesualdi reviews Bit.Trip Complete for the Wii.
Ugly Americans: Apocalypseggedon Review
Ugly Americans arrives on the video games scene, but does this downloadable title do the animated sitcom its based on justice? Check out GameZone’s review of Ugly Americans: Apocalypseggedon and find out.
NHL 12 Review
Video game hockey isn’t very prominent these days. In fact, we hardly even hear about it. So is NHL 12, really your only option, a suitable hockey game for fans of the sport? Find out in our review of the game.
Renegade Ops Review
Twin stick shooters aren’t the most common games these days, but if done right, they can provide an incredibly engaging experience that’s both addictive and satisfying. Renegade Ops attempts to do just that, but how does the game fare? Check out GameZone’s review of this downloadable title and get the full details.
Dead Island Review
We take a look at the latest zombie outbreak and deliver the skinny on Dead Island. Is this open world undead adventure everything we hoped it would be? Find out in GameZone’s review of the game.
Bit.Trip Saga Review
The Wii isn’t the console getting the Bit.Trip treatment. The entire rhythm series has also landed on the 3DS. How well do the games play on Nintendo’s dual screen handheld? We let you know in our review of Bit.Trip Saga.
Tropico 4 Review
Tropico 4 attempts to provide a different take on the city simulation genre. Does it offer enough substantially enjoyable gameplay to keep gamers hooked, though? Lance Liebl reviews Tropico 4 and gives you the skinny on this PC title.
Burnout Crash! Review
The Burnout series returns, this time with a small-scale downloadable offering. Is this new take on the driving franchise a successful one? GameZone reviews Burnout Crash!
Magic: The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers Expansion Review
Magic: The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 was a solid game for fans of the card-based original. Does this expansion manage to deliver some solid add-on thrills to what was already an impressive package? Read our in-depth review to find out.
MotoHeroz Review
GameZone takes a look at one of the latest WiiWare games to hit the scene. Is this downloadable racer reason enough to dust off your Wii? GameZone writer David Sanchez tells you everything you need to know about MotoHeroz.
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad Review
Call of Duty may be the king of military shooters, but does Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad provide a must-play experience despite its heavy competition? Read GameZone’s review of the game to find out if you should be playing this military-themed shooter.
Kirby Mass Attack Review
Kirby lands on the DS once more in a brand new title that once again explores new gameplay mechanics. Does this experimental endeavor prove successful? Check out our review of Kirby Mass Attack for the DS.
Hands-On: Power A’s Batarang Controllers
When Batman: Arkham City lands on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC this October, you’re going to want to take the fight to the evil denizens of the night in style. We take a look at Power A’s Batarang Controllers and give you the skinny on these bad boys.
Cabela’s Survival: Shadows of Katmai Preview
The Cabela’s hunting series is taking a turn in a different direction and is hoping to attract more gamers with its latest installment. GameZone’s Joe Donato previews Cabella’s Survival: Shadows of the Katmai.
First Look: Zen Pinball
The 3DS is taking pinball in a new direction with Zen Pinball. Check out our initial impressions of this upcoming game and see if you should be excited about it if you’re a pinball enthusiast.
Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster Preview
Xbox 360 Kinect and Sesame Street unite to provide a motion-based gameplay experience based on the popular edutainment TV show. How is the game shaping up? Find out in our preview of Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster.
Dungeons: The Dark Lord Preview
GameZone takes a look at Dungeons: The Dark Lord and gives you a full preview of the game. Take a look ahead at this upcoming title and see if you should be stoked to play it. Get all the details in our in-depth preview of Dungeons: The Dark Lord.
Mario Kart 7 Preview: Drift, Fly, and Collect Power-Ups
Mario Kart 7 is speeding onto the 3DS, and it looks to provide one of the best kart-racing experiences yet. Is the next entry in the popular series destined to be the greatest thus far? GameZone writer Robert Workman gives you a full look at the upcoming Mario Kart 7.
Super Mario 3D Land Preview
We take another look at Nintendo’s upcoming Super Mario 3D Land for the 3DS. Will this game provide owners of the Big N’s dual screen handheld with enough solid platforming gameplay to keep them entertained?
NBA Jam: On Fire Edition Preview
NBA Jam returns with added content and strong online options. If you missed the game the first time around, should you shell out the cash for this reduced price download when it lands on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network? Get a glimpse at the game in our preview of NBA Jam: On Fire Edition.
Top Five: Hideous Main Characters
Ugly protagonists tend to rear their nasty faces all over certain games. GameZone takes a look at the top five most hideous main characters to ever grace a video game.
25 PlayStation 2 Games You Shouldn’t Be Without (#5 – #1)
We end our series of the top 25 best PlayStation 2 games this week and present to you the top five picks. What games should you not be without if you own a PlayStation 2?
Keeping Mario Golden in a Time of Backlash
GameZone’s Stephanie Carmichael gives you an in-depth look at the analytical book Super Mario: How Nintendo Conquered America in this very special editorial/interview hybrid. What does author Jeff Ryan have to say about Nintendo’s past, present, and future?
Gamerscore: Yesterday, Today, and the Future
GameZone takes a look at Microsoft’s beloved Gamerscore system and provides an in-depth analysis of the feature that has taken so many gamers by storm. Check out this special editorial on the past, present, and future of the Gamerscore phenomenon, because let’s face it, chances are you really, really like your achievements.
7 1/2 Steps to Going Pro: An [e-Sports Dail-e] Special Report
Our eSports correspondent Dustin Steiner gives you a handful of helpful tips on how to become a professional gamer. It’s not easy, but with some determination, you can play video games at a competitive level that far expands beyond your usual rounds of Smash Bros. or Black Ops. Find out how in this special eSports report.
Best Voice-Over Narration in Video Games
What are some of the games that have given us the best voice-over narration? What voiced story-telling has managed to totally captivate gamers due to its impressive delivery? GameZone takes a look at some of the best voice-overs in video games.
Top Five Free Indie Games That Should Be Expanded
There are a lot of free indie games out there that could easily be marketed and sold for some cash if they were just expanded upon. GameZone gives you a look at five free indie games that should totally get some additional content and a full release.
Fan Film of the Week: Skyrim Dragon Hunt
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is one of the most eagerly anticipated titles of the year, so while you wait for the game to launch, why not check out this awesome fan film?
Live Stream – First Look at League of Legends: Dominion Gameplay
GameZone presents some League of Legends: Dominion gameplay for your viewing pleasure. Check it out and indulge in some LoL goodness.
Jessica’s Appinion: Ramses II & Finger Slayer Wild
Our resident app specialist Jessica Sheriff takes a look at two new games for iOS devices. How to Ramses II and Finger Slayer Wild stack up?
Five Video Game Weapons with the Greatest Capacity for Self-Injury
Some weapons just look like a disaster waiting to happen. What five look like they could hurt both the opposition and the person wielding them? Find out in this top five weapons list.
The One Thing I’m Surprised Got Left Out of Gears of War 3
Gears of War 3 is all kinds of awesome, but is it missing something? According to GameZone’s Lance Liebl, it most certainly is. What should have been featured throughout Gears 3? Read this incredibly serious editorial and find out!
Keeping the Gaming Industry Fresh, Or Why I Love Indie Devs
Independent video game developers often rely on innovation or nostalgia to provide a fresh experience. Check out this look at the indie side of things and see why small-scale developers are pretty damn awesome.
I Use Stereotypical Gaming Phrases to Sound Like a Gamer
Megan Fox is not a gamer. End of story.
Master Unboxing Theater – Disgaea 4 Premium Box
Rick Ronson checks out Disgaea 4. But is everything as it seems? Or is it possible that NIS could have rigged the premium edition game with some nasty traps? Check out this special video feature right here on GameZone.
Gears of War 3 Midnight Launch
GameZone’s David Sanchez attends the Gears of War 3 midnight launch and asks the questions that need to be asked, like where the hell is Kirby Mass Attack?!
Lineage II has been revitalized with a revamp of existing content, all-new high level content and the introduction of the Truly Free business model with the launch of Goddess of Destruction. Truly Free breaks the shackles of limited gameplay and invites you to enjoy the full game world as it was meant to be experienced. Lineage II: Goddess of Destruction will provide you with all the tools you need to propel yourself to the heights of power and beyond. Follow the Path to Awakening from the new starting zone to experience rapid progression through three class transfers on your way toward your destiny. At level 85, Awaken to one of the eight new classes with unique skills to advance your game experience and take on new challenges.