A new ad for the PlayStation Vita launched on December 1. The Japanese video shows some dude snagging his shiny new portable and showing it off. In the process, he gets crowds of people to notice him, cheer him on, and pretty much worship him.
Also, I'm pretty sure men and women wanted to make sweet love to him.
If I can get that type of reaction, I may just have to get my hands on the Vita on day one. I'm certain this type of magic is only possible for launch day buyers, which means you'll never get crowds of people cheering for you if you pick up the platform post-launch.
Worship him, because he got the PlayStation Vita at launch.
Personally, I wasn't the biggest fan of the ad the first time I watched it. After my second view, however, I understood it. The Vita is meant to be a grandiose portable device. Ads like this are meant to elicit feelings of excitement and sheer joy, even if the ads themselves aren't 100 percent realistic or logical.
I really dig that Vita ad–so much so that it made me want a Vita on day one. What are your thoughts on the ad? Dig it? Dislike it? Did you only watch it once? If so, I would suggest you watch it once more, and then another time after that. It really only gets better every time you watch it. Plus, that music is super catchy.