What future content is coming to Skullgirls?

From Mike Zaimont (Project Lead and Designer), during a spot on Lv3 Focus, hinted that Skullgirls has a bright future – well most likely.  The thing is while they have tons of ideas for future content with new DLC planned, they can only put out this content if they get the funding.  The studio stands in an awkward place right now where they have the desire to put out new content but they need to see the pay off first. 

For new content to be released, Skullgirls needs to sell.  Only after the developers see profit in their endeavors can the people who create new material get paid for their work.  As with nearly everything in life, things only get done when people are getting paid for it.  It all makes sense to me.

Here’s the thing though.  Currently Skullgirls is the top selling game on XBLA – that’s a pretty damn good start.  So… if the game keeps selling we can expect some pretty sweet new content.  First off, we’ll be seeing new characters; male characters at that!  The reason male characters weren’t involved from the get go is that they were too key to plot.  I can only foresee future DLC being awesome. 

Other things on the horizon include talk about a PC port.  Oh, and so one of my biggest (and only complaints in my review) about the game was a lack of input commands in training mode.  This was never something overlooked but a choice made due to time constraints.  They chose to make splash screens and put the input commands online since the splash screens couldn't be simply downloaded.  They plan on patching in the input commands with the first patch.  So basically by the time of the first patch I’ll have nearly no gripes with the game whatsoever.

The ETA on the patch is still up in the air.  They will work on it and distribute the DLC once they can get the funding to do so.  What can we do?  Buy the game!  I said it in the review but I see a strong future for Skullgirls and the more hype and funding they can get the better it will be for all of us.  I’ll post more news as I hear it.

Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage