What games can Club Nintendo members redeem Coins for in March?

It's a new month, which means Nintendo's rolling out a handful of new selections for you to play absolutely free of charge through Club Nintendo. All you have to do is redeem those Coins you earn from registering your Wii, DS, and 3DS games. So what's on tap this month?

Art Style: Cubello leads the charge, and you can download it for 100 Coins. The puzzler received favorable reviews, so maybe you should check out some gameplay videos and see if this one fits your puzzle gaming needs.

You can also check out two old school Game Boy titles on your 3DS. For 100 Coins apiece, you can download Mario's Picross and Radar Mission.

This month's selection doesn't seem as strong as it has been in previous months. I mean, we got Mario Party 2, Fluidity, and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask! It's kind of a shame this month's content isn't as impressive. Then again, it is free.