The latest slew of Nintendo downloads is here. Actually, I wouldn't call it a slew, per se. There are no Wii U eShop or WiiWare titles this week outside of a demo for Chasing Aurora. Instead, we've got a lone 3DS eShop download and some DSiWare games. Check 'em out here.
NES original Mega Man 3 is available on the 3DS eShop today. You can snag the classic for $4.99. There's also a demo for HarmoKnight if you're interested in that upcoming title.
Two games landed on DSiWare this week, the first being the real-time action game Forgotten Legions for 500 DSi Points ($4.99 for 3DS users). Then there's Goony, a one-button arcade title available for 200 DSi Points ($1.99 on the 3DS eShop).
Want to talk about indie games, Kirby, or cheap pizza? Follow me on Twitter @dr_davidsanchez.