So many games! I know, I know, there was no Nintendo download roundup last week, but what do you people want from me? I was busy trying to make the last day of E3 my b*tch. In the end, though, E3 made me its b*tch, but that wasn't a bad thing, because I got to see a lot of cool games. Anyway, our summary of Nintendo titles is being slightly revamped. Not only is it getting a new title, but considering the DS is old hardware at this point, we'll be placing it under the 3DS eShop roundup. Small changes, but changes nonetheless.
But worry not, GameZone readers, because you'll still get all the details on every single digital title landing on Nintendo's many platforms. Now, let's begin, shall we?
It's the return of the Wii Virtual console! This week, the retro platform gets Mega Man X2, originally released for the SNES, for 800 Wii Points. Not a bad price for a game that has been widely praised.
On the 3DS eShop we're getting two games and a demo. The first title is Donkey Kong Jr. An NES original, the consensus is that this title hasn't aged very well. It's $4.99 if you're interested. If you're looking to add some FMV to your life, Mad Dog McCree is $7.99. Seriously, it's adorable that this wild west game is on the eShop. Even more adorable is the demo for The Amazing Spider-Man.
That brings us to the DSiWare selection. 7 Wonders II (that's such a weird title) is available for 800 DSi Points ($7.99 on the eShop). Of course, if you don't feel like being puzzled, you can rock out with Lucifer in Devil Band: Rock the Underworld. That one will run you 200 DSi Points ($1.99) and probably your soul.
So, whatcha buyin'?
For a bunch of nonsensical gibberish, follow @thesanchezdavid on Twitter.