So yesterday, Destiny's beta opened up to Xbox platforms. While the launch has gone fairly smoothly for a beta, users, particularly on Xbox One, are still experiencing some problems. One of those problems is an error message about a corrupt download when downloading Destiny on Xbox One.
If you are a victim of a corrupt download error, you'll get this message:
The installed game is corrupted. You must delete the installed game and then reinstall it to play this game.
Don't flip out. Over on the Destiny beta FAQ, Bungie explained exactly what to do if you get this message, and that is to do nothing. Turns out that despite this message, there's probably nothing wrong with your download.
"Your download is likely not corrupted, and happily downloading in the background, Bungie says. "Please wait to launch Destiny until it is 100% downloaded."
Of course, you can always monitor the progress of your Destiny beta download over in the Games & Apps tile from the Xbox One home screen.