When a woman signs both parts of Dr. Horrible’s “My Eyes” you’ll shiver in awe

Look out Neil Patrick Harris and Felicia Day, YouTube music artist 3thirdsX1idiot is absolutely killing your duet from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.  The song “My Eyes,” while normally sung by two people, is done flawlessly by a single artist.  The overall talent here is beyond remarkable.   

Singing two parts is no easy task.  To sing two different parts and have them sync up perfectly is downright difficult.  The part towards the end is eye opening.  While it’s so easy to focus on just the vocals, there is a lot going on here.  Let’s not forget she plays three different musical instruments throughout the entire video.  I call that talent.

Watch the video below.  Even Dr. Horrible is Tweeting about her.  Looks like I’ll have to watch Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog for the 957230958th time tonight. 

Your roommates can deal.  Keep it up.

Dr Horrible Tweet

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Historian, teacher, writer, gamer, cheat master, and tech guru: follow on Twitter @AndrewC_GZ