Earlier today, a video demonstrating Xbox One's user interface was released, giving viewers a look at the next-gen console's functionality. The promotional video was designed to demonstrate the Xbox One and Kinects capabilities, switching between games, apps, videos, and television, on the fly — with little wait.
While impressive-looking, there was just one problem: it wasn't a live demo. With Sony having already provided a live look at its own PS4 user interface in action, you can understand the skepticism among certain gamers. What exactly is Microsoft afraid of showing?
Turns out it's not necessarily performance anxiety, but rather the result of "logistics and licensing" preventing a live look at the Xbox One in action.
Responding to fans' demands of a live demo, Microsoft's Director of Product Planning Albert Penello offered the following as a reason they haven't shown a live example yet: "There are a lot of logistics and licensing issues doing a direct feed."
Sure, it's not the best explanation, but Penello did promise it's "an excellent representation of the real UI." He's assured fans that the mock video portrays the same fluidity and functionality as the final product.
With the Xbox One arriving on November 22, it won't be long until the truth is revealed.