Wii U lifetime sales now above 9 million units

Still only half of the number of PS4s sold

The Wii U, which was hammered early on for sluggish sales, is finally picking up some steam. Hot off reports of a record-setting December in terms of sales, Nintendo has revealed specific sales numbers for the system.

From April through December 31, 2014, 3.03 million Wii U's were sold, which is slightly higher than the 2.41 million sold during the same period last year. Life-to-date sales for the once-struggling system now sit at 9.20 million, or about half the number of PS4s sold worldwide

Clearly the folks over at Nintendo still have some work to do to catch up to the competition, but this is a nice bright spot for a system with a history that's filled with depressing sales stats.

On another bright note, New Nintendo 3DS sales are also off to what Nintendo is calling "a good start." Check out the latest 3DS sales here.