Skybound Games today announced that development on The Walking Dead The Final Season has resumed. Due to former developer Telltale Games going bankrupt recently, production on the final instalment of the popular episodic adventure game halted. There’s no concrete release schedule for the remaining two episodes as of yet but owners of TWD: The Final Season will receive them upon completion for free.
Thank you for your patience while we worked with Telltale to take control of TELLTALE’S THE WALKING DEAD. It’s been a ton of work logistically and legally to get us to a place where we’re able to roll up our sleeves and get to the actual work. After Telltale shut its doors, the game was, unfortunately, unable to be worked on and hence the release dates of Episodes 3 and 4 have been delayed. But, we’re excited to let you know that many of the talented, passionate team members who originally worked on the game are resuming development efforts today! – Skybound Games
The bittersweet tale of The Walking Dead is soon coming to an end. Now, that Skybound Entertainment has acquired all rights for the game series, the studio wants to finish the game that once looked like to become an unfinished swan.
It is none other than the original creator of The Walking Dead comics, Robert Kirkman’s own company who has swooped in at the last minute to save The Walking Dead The Final Season. While good news for gamers who were struck by the closure of Telltale Games, it’s also a nice cushion for some of the +200 former employees who lost their jobs.
Skybound Games not only took the gaming rights but also enlisted many of the developers who originally worked on The Walking Dead The Final Season at Telltale Games. It’s unclear when the remaining two Episodes will come out, as production on them just resumed today. Besides a longer than usual wait there won’t be any inconveniences for buyers of the game at least.