World of Warcraft: Looking for Group documentary covers 10 years of development, community & more

Made me wanted to log in...

Whether it was a goal in mind before graduating college or if it was built on a wish live in a world similar to Azeroth — World of Warcraft was born from the dreams of many people.

During BlizzCon this year, Blizzard revealed and streamed their documentary World of Warcraft: Looking for Group.

The documentary covers the 10 years of WoW's existence, every moment from the beginning to where we are now with the launch of Warlords of Draenor. Looking for Group isn't simply about development of WoW though, it is about the people that work at Blizzard, the community and the culture around the game as well.

If you have an hour check out the documentary here – it's pretty interesting.

World of Warcraft's latest expansion Warlords of Draenor is set to release November, 13th!

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