Would you wear Connor’s jacket from Assassin’s Creed 3?

One of the things I never got from the Assassin’s Creed franchise is the garb of the assassins.  No matter which game it is, your character sticks out like a sore thumb.  When I think of an assassin I think of disguise and stalking in the shadows.  How can you stalk the shadows in white garb?  Why is the one guy who sticks out the most in these cities the assassin?

Despite the complete lack of subtly, I’ll give it to the assassin’s for looking awesome.  The white coat / hood are pretty distinctive and have one badass look to it.  It’s so distinctive and badass that Volante Design has replicated it in real life for all you fan boys and girls to own; the one that is on sale is Connor Kenway’s coat from Assassin’s Creed III.

The two rough notes on this one are price and availability.  This pretty sweet and authentic looking bad boy sells for a solid $345.  So unless you are a HARDCORE fan that NEEDS this jacket, most likely it’s more of an admiring thing than a reality.  The second rough point is that it’s currently unavailable.  It’s such a hot item that it is sold out.

Admire this beauty, truly.  Stalk the website for when it becomes available again.

Assassin's Creed jacket


Historian, teacher, writer, gamer, cheat master, and tech guru: follow on Twitter @AndrewC_GZ