Wreck-It Ralph is an upcoming Disney animated film that centers around the "villain" of an old arcade classic off on an adventure across various games after he decides he's tired of playing the role of a bad guy. Ralph, the misunderstood villain in the classic arcade game "Fix-It Felix, Jr" sets out to prove he can be a hero too. In short, it's a movie about games whose trailer actually showed some of video games' most recognizable bad guys all in one place – so is it any surprise that Activision and Disney Interactive have just announced a collaboration to created a Wreck-it Ralph video game?
Described as a "classic arcade video game with a whole new modern look and feel", Wreck-It Ralph will be a story extension to the upcoming film that sets to inspire a "whole new generation of young gamers". It will debut this Fall, coinciding with the release of the movie, exclusively on Nintendo products like the Wii, 3DS, and DS. There was no mention of the Wii U.
"Wreck-It Ralph, as a brand entity, is perfectly suited for video game stardom," said David Oxford, Executive Vice President, Activision Publishing. "With the fantastic characters and creative atmosphere envisioned by Walt Disney Animation Studios, we know fans are going to love seeing their newfound favorite characters embark on an all-new side scrolling adventure."
The game picks up where the movie leaves off, and if you don't want any spoilers I suggest you stop reading here. Unfortunately, the movie was now spoiled for me thanks to the press release, but here goes: *SPOILER* Ralph partners with Fix-It Felix and sets out to save their friends and home from a huge Cy-Bug invasion. Pounding through all-new levels in the "Wreck-It Ralph" universe, like Sugar Rush, Hero's Duty, and Fix-It Felix, Jr., players will have to use Ralph's destructive strength to beat by the Cy-Bugs, while switching back to Felix to repair the damage. With story campaign and two-player co-op on the Wii platform, players can switch between Ralph and Felix to solve action-packed puzzles and collect "Hero Medals".
And here I thought that Fix-It Felix would somehow wind up as the bad guy in the end of the film. Guess not.