Xbox 720: Leaked image of new Kinect 2 appears online

Developer DaE who previously posted images of the next Xbox, codenamed Durango, developer's kit has posted a new image that allegedly shows off the new Kinect 2 for the Xbox Durango, or better known as Xbox 720.

At first look, you'll immediately notice the much improved depth perception; you can see the individual fingers of the person on the left despite being close to the body.

It also looks like the next Kinect offers a much higher-resolution than the current motion-sensor. The figures have a much sharper outline. It's a rather large improvement over the current Kinect which sometimes blurs parts of your body and has problems picking up quick movements accurately.

The images haven't yet been validated, but the fact that they come from DaE do add some credibility. In addition, Eurogamer's Digital Foundry also claimed that multiple industry sources working on next-gen games have confirmed the image is genuine.

Microsoft is supposedly planning to bundle the Kinect 2.0 peripheral with its next Xbox console.

DaE will allegedly be attending PAX, though if I just leaked images relating to Microsoft's new console I'd be wary of hanging around the Microsoft booth.